You heard Dada Shambhushivananda explain how Gurukula was established in Dada's presence by Baba. Baba gave Gurukula for the future of humanity. He also said that he's done most of the work. So what is left for us to do? We have to find and out and realize what work Baba has already done. Gurukula has already been established for the future of humanity.
So we're going to fantacize a little bit and try to imagine what was in Baba's mind when he said that. So fantasy is very important in education. Yesterday we heard about the wonderful fantasy of the kindergarten in Denver, Colorado. So we have to put ourselves in that three-year-old mode so the fantasy is bursting out. One book that I recommend for all the projects that deal with children is "The Grammar of Fantasy" by Gianni Rodari, published first in Italian, then in English and Spanish.

[Presentation at the First Global Prout Conference in Venezuela, "Building a Solidarity Economy based on Ethics and Ecology", 7 to 9 July 2011, Parque Central - Sala 1, Caracas]

by Dada Maheshvarananda.

1. Why a revolutionary monk?
I am a yogic monk who teaches meditation – and I am also a revolutionary. This may sound paradoxical to you, but actually it is the deep peace and love that I experience in meditation every day that compels me to work for social change. The orange uniform I wear means that my life is dedicated to serve humanity. Because injustice, exploitation and poverty cause so much unnecessary suffering, I am committed to the struggle for a better world.