Celebration of Gratitude for Eugenio, Crisal and Mario

Fiesta de Prout

On Saturday, October 4, 2013, many friends of the PROUT Research Institute of Venezuela gathered to give a warm send-off to long-term community members Eugenio, Cris, and Mario. This lovely family has given selflessly of their time, energy, and resources in their two-and-a-half years at PROUT, and we wanted to celebrate them and their friendship before they head off to Yaracuy for their next project. Twenty-five friends gathered to eat delicious food, laugh and tell stories, including neighbors who participate in daily yoga classes at PROUT, an organizer from AISEC, professors and graduate students from Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez, our organization’s lawyer and his wife, and PROUT residents and volunteers. Cris, Eugenio, and Mario have meant so much to all of us, and we wish them the best in their next adventure.
Angelo con la carta
Gratitude for the great contributions
of Eugenio (“Viirabrata”) and Crisal (“Krsna”)

As director of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela, I am personally very grateful for the two and a half years of hard work and service that you have done for this project. Here are a few of the accomplishments that you achieved:

You came in June 2011 at a time of great turbulence, just a couple of weeks before the first Global Prout Conference in Venezuela. You organized a professional team of 16 translators and managed the registration. Then for two months afterwards you uploaded all the 29 audio files of the conference presentations, you translated them all, and finally you recorded and uploaded all the translations.
You organized the construction of our kitchen, the second floor dormitory and the painting of the house.
You have been wonderful hosts for our visitors and delegations, earning their love and appreciation.
You managed the finances, kept the accounts, did all the shopping and paid the bills on time.
Crisal, you taught very well a popular yoga class every night.
You systematized IVIP’s work.
You successfully developed an alliance with la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodrigues and inspired graduate students to do their community service with Centro Madre.
You inspired one UNESR student to apply to Banco Venezuela for a donation that was approved of Bs.F. 200.000 for Centro Madre.
You successfully developed an alliance with AIESEC, and you inspired and supervised well the AIESEC volunteers.
Eugenio, you painstakingly translated a 400-page book, and reviewed all the suggestions made by the proofreaders.
You managed the Insititute and house during my international tours.
You developed warm relations with our neighbors.
You have maintained the house and fixed problems very well.
You have made beautiful curtains and hung them in all the rooms of the house.
You have made good documentaries about Centro Madre and Centro Universo Infantil.
You have systematized well the reception of visitors and volunteers.
You helped unite and coordinate the work of the Prout Institute, the Neohumanist Preschool and Centro Madre.
You are courageously pioneering a new community project in Yaracuy.

Thank you very much, and I look forward to many more years of coordinated cooperation.

With warm affection and deep gratitude,
Dada Maheshvarananda
Lais Athayde de AIESEC, Profa. Doris Shephard y Daniel Villano de AIESECRegalos para Eugenio, Crisal y Mario