About the institute

The Mission of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela is to empower all people to improve their quality of life and live in a more just society by fostering the development of worker cooperatives, self-reliant communities, environmental protection, universal ethics and spiritual values.

The Vision of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela is to be an independent model institution, recognized in the national and international community for its research, training, conferences and publications. We will study the potential of each area and analyze current policies, applying the dynamic principles of the Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout) to measurably improve the standard of living and the quality of life of the citizens we serve.

We strive to strengthen worker cooperatives, so that people, by working together, become a strong force to create true economic democracy and regional self-reliance. By promoting high quality education and by raising consciousness, we work to enable communities to determine their own economic future.

Prout’s goal is to achieve the maximum, rational and sustainable use of natural resources as well as to develop the physical, mental and spiritual potential of people for the ever progressive well-being of all living beings. The Institute will develop specific proposals that promote land, fiscal and monetary reforms and other positive initiatives. We are dedicated to working cooperatively with other governmental and non-governmental organizations in Venezuela, Latin America and the world for the country’s integral and sustainable development.

Values Statement

We believe that all people deserve:
• The right to live in dignity with the minimum requirements guaranteed: food, clothing, housing, education and medical care.
• The right to an honest job with just wages and a clean, sustainable environment
• The power to make decisions over their own resources, environment and working conditions
• Fair and sustainable trade.

We oppose:
• corruption
• violations of human rights
• ecologically unsustainable business practices
• economic rules that adversely impact communities, national governments and entire regions of the world
• Concentration of ownership of land and natural resources in the hands of a few.