During the first semester of 2012, four graduate students of finance at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez did professional and community service internships in several projects of Centro Madre community center in Barlovento under the guidance of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela. Students of Professor Dorkis Shephard and Dr. Diaz Mariña Ninoska aided in the development of this Proutist project that is recognized by governmental and nongovernmental organizations as a national model of small-scale sustainable agriculture and the production of fruit trees contributed to the development of important aspects of the project’s financial situation. Research and reports by Alicia Gomez, Orietta Portales, Hernando Perez and Edit Valley significantly contributed to:
• an organizational manual
• improved accounting procedures
• systematically outlining the process of growing and selling guava tree seedlings
• project proposals for funding for Centro Madre
• preparation of a business plan.
The contribution of this work with great professionalism and pro bono for Centro Madre has been very important to strengthen the financial structure of a work-oriented culture.
The PRIV gratefully appreciates the UNESR students for their interest in and dedication to this socio-economic project.