“Education for Peace: Widening our circle of love in all directions” – Global Conference on Neohumanist Education – Caracas, Venezuela April 14-18, 2014

Global Conference on Neohumanist Education posterThe first Global Conference on Neohumanist Education to be held in Caracas, Venezuela concluded with much inspiration and positive interactions among educators, social activists and project coordinators from South and North America and Europe. It was co-sponsored by the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela and Ananda Marga Gurukula.

On Monday, April 14, more than 180 participants came to the science faculty auditorium at the largest and oldest educational institute in the country, the Universidad Central de Venezuela, for an all day program, to hear dynamic speakers from around the world. Presentations included cutting edge holistic educational initiatives that are taking place in Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, India, Venezuela and the United States. Professor Iraida Sulbaran of UCV and Dada Shambhushivananda, Chancellor of Ananda Marga Gurukula, gave the welcoming remarks. At the end of the day, beautiful printed certificates of attendance were given to all participants.

The first day’s speakers were as follows:

1. “Introduction to Neohumanist Education” by Eric Jacobson, Director Progressive School of Long Island, NY, USA
2. “Education in the Barrios of Sao Paolo, Brasil” by Didi Ananda Jaya UCV participantes
3. “Puppets in Education” by Nora Manrique, Lecturer of Culture in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela
4. “Neohumanist School of Caracas” by Didi Ananda Amegha
5. “Project Peru” by Didi Ananda Muktivrata
6. “Project Porto Alegre” by Edeliane Rios and Fabricio L. Viana
7. “Ecological and Community Education in Bogota, Colombia” by Jorge Sanchez
8. “The Transformative Power of Neohumanist Education in Social Change” by Dada Maheshvarananda, director of the Prout Research Institute of Venezuela
9. “Plasticine in Education” by Ricardo Saavedra
10. “Ananda Marga Gurukula” by Dada Shambhushivananda
11. “Centro Madre Community Project in Barlovento, Venezuela” by Didi Ananda Sadhana
12. “Theater in the Classroom” by Ole Brekke Didi Ananda Amegha y Mahajyoti
13. “Organic Agriculture Education” in Venezuela by Luisana Barico and Simon Avila of IUTY
14. “Kaoshikii Dance” by Didi Ananda Amegha
15. “Meditation for Teachers” by Mary Jane Glassman, director of Morning Star Neohumanist Preschool, Denver, Colorado, USA
16. “Circular Dances” by Dayse Dos Santos

Seminar: Following this one-day program, fifty-two people attended the three-day intensive seminar held at the Quinta Prout. Seven Brazilian Neohumanist Schools in Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre sent representatives to this meeting, plus the preschool in Lima, Peru and of course the preschool in Caracas, Venezuela. The conference presented a unique opportunity for them all to meet and share their experiences. Workshops included “Applying Neohumanism to the Layers of a School” by Eric Jacobson, “How to Be the Most Effective Preschool Teacher in the World” by Mary Jane Glassman, “Five Petals of PRO‐U‐T (Progressive Utilization Theory) Based on Neohumanist Education” by Dr. Shambhushivananda, Ole Brekke, Jorge Sanchez, Dada Maheshvarananda, Niliima, Edeliane Rios and Fabricio L. Viana.

garden meditationDada Shambhushivananda’s introduction to Ananda Marga Gurukula was followed by a group envisioning of the future of Ananda Marga Gurukula through a “Grammar of Fantasy” workshop given by Ole Brekke. During this workshop pairs expanded their imaginations and using fantasy explored possible futures of Gurukula 500 years in the future, then 100 years in the future and then finally focused on the present exploring the possibilities for the global network of Gurukula today. Much fun and inspiration were enjoyed by all.

Evening programs included presentations of the projects of Didi Ananda Jaya, Didi Ananda Muktivrata, Didi Ananda Sadhana and Didi Ananda Amegha.

Much inspiration was shared during the closing ceremony. Here are two of the comments:

“One month before the conference I had a dream in which many people were dancing in an auditorium with the colors of the rainbow. When I saw the poster for this conference with the colors of the rainbow, I was very happy. And when at the end of the conference in the university auditorium we did circular dancing on the stage and then together sang the song, “Venezuela”, I realized that my dream had come true.”

“I am very grateful for the organizing staff, the support, the rich learning in the lectures, the wonderful food, the kiirtan, meditation and to meet everyone. I leave with great affection and memories of all.”

Complementary programs during week included a trip on April 7th with 70 people to the local Botanical Gardens where Shrii PR Sarkar had visited. Dada Shambhushivananda gave a public talk to 70 students and teachers at the International School, and to 50 students and professors at the Pedagogical Institute. A bus trip to visit Centro Madre Master Unit on Friday, April 18 had 30 participants. Ole Brekke gave a one-day clown workshop to 41 very enthusiastic participants on Saturday, April 19. Four radio interviews took place before the event, two on Venezuelan National Radio.